> I agree that closer is better, but you have left something out of the
> equation: if the engine failure is sudden (what we're assuming here, I
> think), *and* you react quickly, you have an extra 25-45kt of airspeed
> that you can trade for altitude before you get down to Vglide at 65
> KIAS.  That should be enough to hold circuit altitude through the
> 90deg turn and even a little on towards the runway.  

My docs recommend doing 80 kias on downwind, giving you only 15 knots
of margin to trade into height.  Tests have shown that pilots spend
about six seconds sitting in stunned amazement, after engine failure,
before doing through their ABCs when it happens for-real and no warning.

>  > Naw, we're used to visitors from up north, even down here.  We'll
>  > hear the funny accent on the radio [*] and keep out of the way.
>  > 8-)
> The Canadian pilots are the ones who say "thank you" for every
> clearance (in the 1980s, SPY magazine said you could spot Canadians in
> New York because they say "thank you" to bank machines).

Have you seen the film "Canadian Bacon" ?

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