On Saturday, June 22, 2002, at 06:26  AM, flightgear-devel-
> Do you know if GCC x86 version can generate macos x code?

Probably not. Apple has some extensions to the current version of GCC 
that haven't quite made it into the mainstream version yet. See:


Now, what you could do is install Darwin on the x86 PC, and possibly 
compile FGFS on that. The problem there becomes getting x86 versions of 
the essential system libraries that are not in Darwin, like OpenGL. You 
could build it against X11 OpenGL and it would run on Mac OS X, but you 
wouldn't have hardware acceleration since XDarwin hasn't implemented 
that yet.

> , or the macos x compiler x86?

That seems likely actually, since Darwin runs on x86 boxes. I don't know 
if gcc/ld on Mac OS X can emit non Mach-o binaries though; if it can't 
you can probably get a different version of ld to generate Win32 

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