--- [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:
> ace project <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > I've attached a (Word generated) HTML-file with
> the 
> > proposed protocols/headers to be used. Plz bomb
> them
> > :)
> I have only a few comments right now.  More as I
> have time to delve into this further...
> 1. If you establish a TCP/IP connection, then
> provide a way to pass a
>    "protocol version number" upon connection
> establishment.  If using UDP,
>    then a protocol version number should be passed
> in each packet.  There are
>    a few ways to do this:
>    a. Add two extra bytes in the Level 1 or Level 2
> header.  You likely don't
>       want to add extra bytes, so the other options
> are probably better right
>       now.
>    b. Allocate 3 bits in FLAGS as a version number,
> with '111' reserved for
>       versions greater than 6 (with some place to
> put them added later and
>       known to exist because of the reserved '111'
> value.
>    c. Allocate 1 bit in FLAGS to mean "initial
> protocol" (version 1.0).  If
>       not enabled, then the non-initial protocol
> must define where/how the
>       version number is encoded.  It should be well
> documented that any
>       subsequent protocol version MUST define a way
> of specifying the protocol
>       version number.
>    If you don't provide for a protocol version
> number, you'll likely end up
>    (in version 1.1 or 2.0) with things that you'd
> like to do but can't, while
>    still maintaining backwards compatibility.
Version numbering per packet should not be necessary,
we will set the version that will be used in the
client-initialisation packet. This packet should not
change or be 'autodetect'. BTW client init should NOT
have compression...
Other version controlling methods are still under

> 2. Providing only 12 bits of flags seems really
> skimpy to me.  This isn't
>    really an issue, though, when you add the
> protocol version number feature
>    described above.  If more bits are needed for a
> future protocol version,
>    they can be added by that version.
> 3. FDM is declared as 50b in one place, and 20b in
> another.  Ditto for
>    Nickname.
> 4. Flight Dynamics Model as text sounds risky.  What
> about having FDMs
>    registered at FlightGear.org (with a numerical
> identifier assigned to them)
>    and then just passing the appropriate FDM id?
> 5. Why is a termination character ('\r') required
> for plane and FDM when
>    there's a length field provided?  It shouldn't be
> necessary.
We have not yet decided on this issue, we could use 1
length and then plit them up or (as defined atm) use
length field and split them up manually.

> 6. Eight players seems like a severe limitation.  I
> can see the potential for
>    hundreds of players.  It would be nice to design
> the protocol such that
>    there's no limit on number of players.
That would be easy, just send multiple packets of
player list, the only thing to add is a 'final flag as
1. list 1-10 final=false
2. list 11-21 final=false
3. list 22-30 final-true

> You've got a really nice start here!
> Cheers,
> Derrell
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