Well, here is a simple way to actually get a qualitative feel.. perhaps you
may be pleasantly surprise, perhaps you can chant "I told you so!" with
conviction and a wry grin. All I'm suggesting is try it before dismissing

Just replace ssgDlist.cxx with this version, no other changes are necessary.

If your billboards have the translucent bit set, they will subsequently, 
be sorted before each frame.

If it works well for 500 trees and provides good visual integrity over
5000 unsorted trees that keep sporadically disappearing behind invisible 
walls, perhaps a more judiciuos use of LOD and fewer billboards might be 
the overall best result.

Most Visual Simulation packages and DIS Stealth Viewers do this, which is
I'm not convinced that its completely dismissible. 

I would prefer to test, and report the results myself, but I'm only a 
lurker on this mailing list for inspiration and ideas, so I am not set
up to build FSGear.


-----Original Message-----
From: David Megginson [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Thursday, 18 July 2002 11:00 AM
Subject: RE: [Flightgear-devel] ANN: a new dimension to FlightGear

Gouthas, Themie writes:

 > If anyone is interested in experimenting, I'll be happy to provide the
 > that you can toggle alpha sorting. Ive never done a performace
 > but seeing as you guys have something implemented that can excersise it, 
 > it might be worth your while to assess its merits quantitavely.

You might see a difference alpha-sorting, say, 5000 billboarded trees
that didn't show up for a few simple polys.

All the best,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.megginson.com/

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