David Megginson writes:

 > 1. As an experiment, I eliminated individual ssgRangeSelectors for
 > objects to speed up calculations, and simply put on ssgRangeSelector
 > for all objects of each type in each triangle.  Very large triangles
 > might be coming up and biting us.

Nope, that's not it.  There was no measurable framerate difference
using individual ssgRange selectors for each object.  However, if I
used the group LOD for the triangle and individual LOD for each
object, my framerate halved, so back to individual LOD for the
triangle and nothing for each object.

 > 2. I used callbacks to prevent empty object branches from being
 > culled.  Perhaps a placeholder with a dummy bounding sphere would be
 > better, since we'd still get FOV culling, but this will need more
 > work.

I'll look more closely at this one.

All the best,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.megginson.com/

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