Dear Jim,

you state that "With the 1903 they trussed it all up so that only the trailing edges warped, making it even more aileron like."

We also have the smithsonian museum drawings from the 1903 flyer. The inboard wing is trussed up but the outboard wing does not have any truss cables and is thus free to warp when the pilot is moving his hip saddle. Because there is no torsional stiffness, the tip of the outboard wing is fully rotated.

kind regards,

Marcel Wittebrood         ADSE
ADSE Consultancy and Engineering B.V.
Tel. +31 (0) 23 554 2255
Fax +31 (0) 23 557 1069
P.O.Box 3083
2130 KB Hoofddorp
Saturnusstraat 12
2132 HB Hoofddorp
The Netherlands


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