On Sun, 2002-10-20 at 18:19, Alex Perry wrote:
> > I'm thinking more along the lines of "the flight went normally until
> > <lat>/<lon>/<alt>, then the pilot may have done X".  We could use an
> > AI pilot to try doing X as soon as we hit <lat>/<lon>/<alt>.  Granted,
> > this would be a very specialized application, but it's my best guess
> > at what Norm was talking about.
> Oh.  That'd be really handy.
> Do you think we can talk the FDM people into supporting a checkpoint
> and restore capability?

This can be done now with David's save flight code or (in a different
way) with JSBSim's trimming routine.

 If it is sufficiently fast, it'd permit an external
> iterative nonlinear solver to deduce control inputs that will reproduce
> (for example) several positions and altitudes (aka from secondary radar).

This isn't as useful as you might think, however, since there are always
going to be multiple solutions for the lateral-directional controls
(ailerons, rudder, sideslip angle, and bank angle).  This is only for
steady-state, the situation becomes much worse if there are significant
rates involved.

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Tony Peden
We all know Linux is great ... it does infinite loops in 5 seconds. 
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