On Friday 11 October 2002 08:20 am, David Megginson wrote:
> Norman Vine writes:
>  > > Instead, we should set the appropriate switches to 'on' in
>  > > preferences.xml or c172-*-set.xml so that the user can override.  For
>  > > the starter, a default to 'on' is clearly not what we want.
>  >
>  > NIT
>  >   *-*-set.xml so that the user can override.
>  > ^^^^
>  >
>  > The Sim is more then a C172 simulator
> Correct, but the C172 is the only one that Curt has modelled an
> electrical system for so far.  When he has done others, then their
> *-set.xml files will need to be changed as well.
> All the best,
> David

We could plug in a basic system with an alternator,battery and one buss
in the meantime. It might not be accurate, but at least we won't be grounded 
(no pun)

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