Agreed, I use the HUD for this purpose too.
I suppose that this use is actually in lieu of a (glass) cockpit display on a second 
It always gives you the information you need to navigate the aircraft, regardless of 
the view.


> -----Original Message-----
> From: Martin Dressler [mailto:dr@;]
> Sent: 29 October 2002 2:22 pm
> Subject: Re: [Flightgear-devel] Clickable cockpit
> IMHO What, Norman and me want  is this. When you scroll your 
> view to whatever 
> direction or switch to whatever view, you always see the HUD 
> as if you look 
> forward from cockpit. It is highly usable when you look 
> around, but still 
> want to drive the aircraft. You are true, that you can use 
> 2-D panel too, but 
> in some situations is HUD usefull more.
> Regards,
> MaDr

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