I was having a look at the piston engine start-up code. I absolutely love the way it chugs away for a second or two and then coughs into life - the sound effects really "make" it - but I wanted to make the speeds and stuff more realistic. Looking at the JSBSim engine code, it uses lots of arbitrary speeds and time delays and abrupt transitions from one mode to another. I have some improvements to this.

Much of this code in JSBSim is very similar to FDM/IO360.cxx which seems to be only used by LARCsim even though it is not in the LARCsim subdirectory; presumably one was derived from the other. I really don't like duplication; I feel that any work I do on one of them is half wasted if it isn't automatically shared by the other. And then there is Yasim's engine code. Three piston engine models, each specific to its own FDM. So I started thinking about deriving them all from a common PistonEngine interface with the aim of making the engine models interchangeable. Haven't gone anywhere down this road yet, though.


- Julian

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