David Megginson wrote:

Plib has callbacks for branches as well as leaves, but the branch
callbacks are not documented, so I had to dig trough the plib source
code (they're the same ones I used for the dynamic scenery objects).
For a branch, you can set pre-traversal and post-traversal callbacks;
if the pre-traversal callback return false, then the branch will be
skipped.  Here's a trivial (and not-so-efficient) example:

  static int cloaking_callback (ssgEntity * e, int mask)
    return !fgGetBool("/controls/cloaking-device");

  ssgBranch * ship;

  // ...

  ship->setTravCallback(SSG_CALLBACK_PRETRAV, cloaking_callback);

Now, the 'ship' branch will automatically vanish whenever the
/controls/cloaking-device property is true and reappear when it's
Yes - I apologise that this isn't documented - but it's vitally
important that you can do this -so it *should* be documented.

Bear in mind though that your callback is only called when the object's parent is inside the field of view. This is both an
advantage and a curse. It means that expensive callbacks are
only called when they are needed - but also that callbacks with
side-effects are a bit unpredictable!

For the dynamic objects, I use a much more complicated approach -- the
branches are actually empty until ssg attempts to traverse them, then
(at first traversal) FlightGear populates them with pseudo-randomly
placed objects.

That way, branches that never come into range or into
the view direction are never populated.  I also have a callback to
depopulate the branches once they fall out of range.  That turns out
to be a fairly efficient way to add many objects (such as buildings or
trees) to the scenery nearby without overwhelming the system.

---------------------------- Steve Baker -------------------------
HomeEmail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>    WorkEmail: <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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           http://tuxkart.sf.net http://prettypoly.sf.net

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