On 11/25/02 at 10:11 AM Curtis L. Olson wrote:
>> >
>> >Terrasync makes you look and feel like you have it all, even though
>> >you don't. :-)
>> Is it likely to work over a 56K modem?
>First of all I will say that that I haven't tried it.  But, I
>encourage you to try it yourself since I want to know the answer
>too. :-)
>I suggest that you start out in the C172 and fly with that.  If you
>have good luck there, then you can try faster planes.
>I'm fortunate enough to have a DSL connection at home (they finally
>got service to my area) and with the latest tweaks to terrasync I've
>been able to sustain upwares of 2000 kts. with 32km visibility.
>(That's in the a4, time accelerated either 2x or 3x ...)
>So, if you are flying at 1/10 the speed, you might do just fine with
>1/10 the bandwidth.
>Let us know ... :-)

OK, I'll give it a go.  I've a slight problem though in that I'm on
Linux/GeForce3 at home, and the nVidia drivers will only work if I do 
$/sbin/telinit 1
$root passwd
$make install in kernel and GLX nVidia directories
$edit XFConfig-4
$/sbin/telinit 2

Unfortunately this leaves sound unworking, and I suspect probably net
access as well.  On a normal reboot X fails to start and I have to put the
old XFConfig-4 back.

Still, if net access survives the above I'll try it out...

Cheers - Dave

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