David et al ...

(I re-wrote this e-mail three times as I am having a heck of a time expressing
my questions ...)

In looking at preferences.xml and c172-3d-set.xml ...

I see in prefrences ...


I see in c172-3d-set ...


Applied to these documents seperately, we would end up with a intersection of a
number of named elements.

Coincidentally or by design, attributes for the matching set of nodes are
different, by the exclusion of a "type" attribute in the aircraft config file.

This is one example.

Now ... if I am trying to ...

a) render a GUI exposing these values ...
b) allow a user to change these values and persist them

... then ...

a) do I "merge" these values into a final DOM, where the last entry "wins" and
where load order is important ?

b) where do I persist the change ?

to the "aircraft" ? to the "preferences" ?

preferences _seems_ like the place to store user configuration info, but seems
to fly in the face of what I would have suspected for "precedence" between
conflicting values in the two files ...

I have other edge questions ... but maybe some understanding of this one will
help me make some design decisions in my code.



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