I've done some work on the C172P JSBSim aero model to make the plane
sloppier in slow flight, especially with the flaps extended.  

To try it out, start FlightGear with

  fgfs --aircraft=c172p-3d --altitude=3000 --vc=70

Now, extend full flaps and let the airspeed drop to around 50-55 KIAS.
Wiggle the ailerons a bit, and you'll see that the plane handles very
differently in the slow-flight regime.  Next, try a 30-degree bank
with no rudder, and notice that the nose initially moves the opposite
direction from the turn (adverse yaw) -- you really need the rudder in
slow flight.

At normal cruise settings there should be little or no difference from
before, but you'll be in even more trouble if you try to climb out at
50 or 55 KIAS or if you let your approach speed drop too low.
Crosswind landings with full flaps should also be nastier (as in real
life), but I haven't tested them yet.

 I extrapolated most of the information from Roskam by
 comparing his "Approach" coefficient (presuming full flaps) with his
 "Climb" and "Cruise" coefficients (presuming no flaps) and adjusting
 for differences in alpha.



David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.megginson.com/

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