I had some time today to play with YASim stuff.  New things in CVS:

Fuel consumption has finally been implemented.  It's pretty simplistic
and doesn't support stuff like tank selection, engine-specific fuel
feeds, inter-tank feeds (or fuel dumping), etc...  But it seems to
work.  It probably also exposed a bunch of bugs in the engine fuel
flow calculations, too.  A spot check looks reasonable to me.

The out-of-fuel behavior is pretty cheezy too.  The engines just act
as if the throttle was at zero.  For the piston engines this is fine,
but for jets throttle==0 means "ground idle".  Oh well.

And Curt: this should also fix the tile loader bug where the data gets
corrupted if you fly the A-4 for 3600km.  I don't thinkg it can't get
that far anymore. :)

There is now a per-wing tunable "induced drag" number.  One of the
things that the YASim solver doesn't constrain is the drag-due-to-AoA
coefficient.  As a result, all aircraft were getting essentially the
same behavior, and this turns out to be really draggy.  The jets, and
the A-4 in particular, were flying their approaches way behind the
power curve.  I found a throttle setting mentioned in an A-4E NATOPS
manual that didn't jive with what the YASim model was requiring.  So I
put a hacked parameter in, and set the default to something more
reasonable.  The straight-winged aircraft won't notice any
difference.  It's only the high-AoA regime that changed.


Andrew J. Ross                NextBus Information Systems
Senior Software Engineer      Emeryville, CA
[EMAIL PROTECTED]              http://www.nextbus.com
"Men go crazy in conflagrations.  They only get better one by one."
 - Sting (misquoted)

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