Last night I did an update to three of the Wright Flyer files, but only two showed up in the log. The one that did not show up in the log was the file:


For the record, the message for it:

Wright Flyer update: Reduced wing warp to rudder coupling per original, added better thrust model, other minor changes.

Did I do something that prevented it from showing up in the log file? The one thing that was different about this commit (vs all of my others) is that the commit message was long (cvs commit -m <"long string"> <file>).

With other developers, I sometimes see a long update message on some files. Is there a way to do this without using a long commit -m message?


ps Messages that I got when I committed the files:
Checking in UIUC/wrightFlyer1903-v1-nl/aircraft.dat;
/home/cvsroot/FlightGear/FlightGear/Aircraft/UIUC/wrightFlyer1903-v1-nl/aircraft.dat,v <-- aircraft.dat
new revision: 1.4; previous revision: 1.3
Checking in UIUC/wrightFlyer1903-v1-nl/README.wrightFlyer1903.html;
/home/cvsroot/FlightGear/FlightGear/Aircraft/UIUC/wrightFlyer1903-v1-nl/README.wrightFlyer1903.html,v <-- README.wrightFlyer1903.html
new revision: 1.5; previous revision: 1.4
Checking in wrightFlyer1903-v1-nl-uiuc-set.xml;
/home/cvsroot/FlightGear/FlightGear/Aircraft/wrightFlyer1903-v1-nl-uiuc-set.xml,v <-- wrightFlyer1903-v1-nl-uiuc-set.xml
new revision: 1.7; previous revision: 1.6

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