Mike Bonar writes:

 > I would be happy to take on this responsibility.  It will give me a
 > chance to get to know the code before I start messing with it ;-)
 > So, feel free to bombard me with direction.  What are the
 > priorities?  Are we going to stick with javadoc format?  If so,
 > know any good javadoc engines (having no success with doxymacs so
 > far).

Curt will have to provide any official answer, but I think that we
should probably stick with DOxygen -- it uses JavaDoc format with a
few extensions, and there are other engines that also understand
JavaDoc format should the need arise.

DOxymacs is just an Emacs mode to help writing formatted comments,
isn't it?  It shouldn't really be necessary -- they're not hard to
write by hand.

All the best,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.megginson.com/

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