Gene Buckle wrote:
> Danie, a VSI is not your typical "100%" accurate instrument and it
> does take time to settle.  My flight instructor always told me to
> never take it as gospel, only as a guideline.  If it's "hunting" a
> bit, it sounds right to me.

It's true that real VSI's have lag.  They work by measuring the
pressure difference between the static port and a "reservoir" that is
loosely coupled to static pressure (basically a sealed can with a
leaky pinhole).  The reservoir shows what the pressure "used to be" at
some time in the past, and is constantly (and slowly) seeking to
current pressure.

That said, it does seem to me that the current VSI seeks awfully
slowly.  It has a half life of, I'd guess, 5-6 seconds or so.  Do real
gauges take this long?


Andrew J. Ross        Beyond the Ordinary        Plausibility Productions
Sole Proprietor       Beneath the Infinite       Hillsboro, OR
                  Experience... the Plausible?

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