Mehmet Velicangil <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:

> can it be calculated. In one of the documents in the flight gear site I
found that the rollout point which resembles an angle is approximately same
with the maxroll which is taken 20 for Chessna and the rollout smooth point is
approximately half of its maxroll angle. Are these ratios true for other
aircraft or they are values found by certain handy equations that are
dependant to the coefficients of the aircraft which is the main thing that I
am wondering and want to learn about because I am trying to experiment with
different aircraft by changing the values in the config files and try to make
a realistic stuff while having fun and learning about aviation.

The max roll values for the aircraft that I did were not derived by any
scientific method.  In some cases max roll was estimated from information
available on the web (instructive or flight manual type data), estimated from
web photos of aircraft in a bank, or just a wild guess.  As far as rollout is
concerned my main concern, where it varies, was simply to ensure that the
aircraft did not overshoot the target in NAV mode.  There isn't any rule AFAIK
that it has to be equal to the roll,  but you are welcome to experiment and
submit any improvements or corrections.

The aircraft that I have worked with as far as autopilot config is concerned
are the 747, c310 and A4.  Basically, the autopilot still requires more work.
 A little over a year ago autopilot was fixed to c172 requirements and not
configurable.  The configurability I added was mostly just a stopgap to get
the it to operate without stalling and crashing the new higher performance
aircraft.  At this point I wouldn't read too much into what you see as far as
those configurations are concerned :-)



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