David Culp writes:

 > I asked a 747-400 pilot what was the fuel flow per engine at
 > cruise.  He said about 6000 lb-per-hour.  Assuming a TSFC of 0.5
 > (I've seen 0.318 and 0.348 for the PW4060, but I don't trust these
 > numbers) that would mean each engine is developing 12000 pounds of
 > thrust.  Therefore the total drag on the airplane at cruise is
 > 48000 pounds, and total fuel flow is 24000 pph.

>From looking at the code, I've discovered that YASim assumes a
thrust-specific fuel consumption of 0.8 by default, so there's your
problem.   In fact, the following comment appears in Jet.cpp:

    // Initialize parameters for an early-ish subsonic turbojet.  More
    // recent turbofans will typically have a lower vMax, epr0, and
    // tsfc.

You can tune these with attributes on the <jet> element in the
YASim config file.  For example, in $FG_ROOT/Aircraft-yasim/747.xml,
you can change

  <jet x="-10.43" y="16.26"  z="-1.20" mass="8000" thrust="63737">
    <control-input axis="/controls/throttle[0]" control="THROTTLE"/>


  <jet x="-10.43" y="16.26"  z="-1.20" mass="8000" thrust="63737" esfc="0.4">
    <control-input axis="/controls/throttle[0]" control="THROTTLE"/>

and effectively double the 747's range (repeating for all four
engines).  Here are all of the attributes Andy uses for the <jet>
element, together with defaults where I could figure them out:

afterburner [0]
rotate [0]
n1-idle [55]
n1-max [102]
n2-idle [73]
n2-max [103]
tsfc [0.8]
egt [1050]
epr [3.0]
exhaust-speed [800]

Play with these, and you should get the engine of your dreams.

All the best,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED], http://www.megginson.com/

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