Hi guys!
I'm implementing light lobes to flightgear using per-pixel attenuation
I modified viewer.cxx in plib distribution and this works fine but there are some problems for me here I totally confused model view matrixes and plib so I need help
If someone intersted in I can send my sources
maybe someone with Geforce3 card or better can help me
The main question is why program works fine if I use in state programm
"MOV c[19].x,v[0].x;\

MOV c[19].y,v[0].y;\

MOV c[19].z,v[0].z;\

MOV c[19].w,v[0].w;"

and definitly don't work if I use

"DP4 c[19].x,v[0],c[20];\

DP4 c[19].y,v[0],c[21];\

DP4 c[19].z,v[0],c[22];\

DP4 c[19].w,v[0],c[23];"

Thanx in advance


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