Martin Spott writes:
> Has this project already be mentioned on this list ? Unfortunately it
> appears to compile with certain compilers only:

I can't say if it's been mentioned here or not, but I'm aware of it.
If people are starting new projects from scratch it definitely bears
consideration, plib is not the only game in town.

Here's what I hear through the grape vine.

In terms of fancy new whiz-bang cool features, OSG tends to try to
track and support them quickly.  However, they suffer from an API that
changes quite often or without warning, making it harder or more work
to support a longer term application that uses OSG.  I've heard that
their file readers and writers are on par (for good or for bad) with
Plib's.  This project started out as an sgi performer clone, so it
matches performer bloat for bloat and complexity for complexity.  It
also suffers from a severe lack of documentation.

Plib/ssg has a much more stable api, but also develops new features
more slowly.  It doesn't support a lot of the latest/greatest card
tricks, but it does have call backs and the ability to derive new
classes, so a motivated person can accomplish the same things if they
want to dig in and figure the details out themselves.  Plib/ssg is
very well documented, especially compared to the average open source
project.  Plib/ssg is lean, mean, and fast.

FlightGear is still commited to plib/ssg, and knowing what I know, I'd
probably stick with plib/ssg even if there was no cost in switching to
something else.  However, people starting new projects should take a
good look at OSG as well as plib, OSG just might offer exactly what
you need.


Curtis Olson   IVLab / HumanFIRST Program       FlightGear Project
Twin Cities    [EMAIL PROTECTED]                  [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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