The Wilson P-51D "Gunfighter" model has the following named parts:

name "RightInnerGearCover"
name "LeftInnerGearCover"
name "CanopyRail"
name "ConsolePanel"
name "RightFrontCorner"
name "LeftFrontCorner"
name "RightGun3"
name "RightGun2"
name "RightGun1"
name "LeftGun3"
name "LeftGun2"
name "LeftGun1"
name "RightWall"
name "LeftWall"
name "Firewall"
name "SeatBottom"
name "SeatBack"
name "HeadRest"
name "thing"
name "Vstab"
name "RightPipes"
name "LeftPipes"
name "RightElevator"
name "LeftElevator"
name "RightHstab"
name "LeftHstab"
name "RightTailGearDoor"
name "LeftTailGearDoor"
name "Rudder"
name "RightGearWheel"
name "LeftGearWheel"
name "RightGearStrut"
name "LeftGearStrut"
name "TailGearWheel"
name "TailGearStrut"
name "RightFlap"
name "RightAileron"
name "RightNavLight"
name "LeftNavLight"
name "LeftOuterGearCover"
name "RightOuterGearCover"
name "PropHub"
name "RightWingEdgeFlap"
name "RightWingEdgeAileron"
name "RightWing"
name "LeftWing"
name "TailBeacon"
name "rect"
name "Stick"
name "CockpitFloor"
name "Panel"
name "DashForward"
name "WindsheildTrimRight"
name "WindsheildTrimLeft"
name "group"
name "Canopy"
name "Fuselage"
name "group"
name "Propeller1"
name "PropellerDisk"
name "Propeller2"

Some of these can be used in creating a DATCOM model. I'd like to propose
the following "standard" for defining parts in an aircraft model, in the
hopes that I can create a parser that will output DATCOM files from such
aircraft model files. This is a first draft and I expect to get input and
comments, so "feel free":

  name "Fuselage"

Wing: (Use equivalent NACA airfoil if not explicit)
  name "WingRight-NACA-64-215"
  [optional if root section is different than tip:
    name "WingRootRight-NACA-64-216"
    name "WingTipRight-NACA-64-214"
  name "FlapRight"
  name "AileronRight"
  [Same for left]

Horizontal tail:
  name "HTail-NACA-64-014"
  name "Elevator"

Vertical tail
  name "VTail-NACA-64-014"
  name "Rudder"

  name "LeftMainGear"
  name "RightMainGear"
  name "NoseGear"

  name "4Blade84-22-65Pitch" // 84" diameter, 22-65 deg var. pitch

That's about all I can think of at the moment in this brainstorm.



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