Tony Peden writes:

 > > The altimeter does *not* indicate your altitude: it indicates
 > > calibrated barometric pressure.  A lot of the time, the difference
 > > does not matter, as long as all aircraft are seeing the same error:
 > > for example, I was cruising at 6500 ft on Wednesday, using the proper
 > > altimeter setting, and showing up on Toronto Centre's radar at 6500
 > Hmm, do you have a mode C transponder?  If that's the case, you and
 > ATC should always agree since ATC is getting the altitude from your
 > aircraft.

We did agree -- my altimeter was showing 6500 and Centre's radar was
showing 6500, even if I was in reality a few hundred feet lower.  The
only reason we agree, of course, is that we're both using the same
altimeter setting (and I assume that their computer is adding it
automatically to the pressure-altitude response it gets from my mode

All the best,


David Megginson, [EMAIL PROTECTED],

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