Some of you may know that JSBSim has the ability to make scripted runs. I would like to be able to do this for JSBSim when integrated with FlightGear. It won't be terribly difficult at all - I'll just need to add a few lines inside JSBSim.cxx. If no script is specified, no effect is made on execution. The question for me is, how would I pass a script name into FlightGear? I think the answer will not be too difficult.

Would I be correct in guessing that FlightGear already has a sort of scripting capability? If so, can someone point me to an overview or users guide, or provide a quick overview of its capabilities? If there is one, I might suggest that I could simply use the command line option for the scripting file for my own use - that is, if the script specified on the command line is not a FlightGear script, then that option could be passed on to the FDM in use. Or, perhaps there is another way?


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