Curtis L. Olson writes:
> Richard A Downing FBCS writes:
> > 
> > Something has changed for the worse in CVS today.  Just flying the
> > c172-ifr, I can't now get full throttle to give full power.  After
> > climbing slowly to maybe 500 ft there are massive and unpredictable
> > changes in height and speed of the aircraft, the turn and bank shows
> > the aircraft swinging badly out of trim.  I tried a complete
> > download, make clean etc of both SimGear and FlightGear - but same
> > effect.  Am I alone? 
> Ignore my previous message.  Today in the default C172 I can't seem to
> be able to climb past about 1600' ASL.  Something is definitely
> weird. :-|

Continued wierdness ... now I'm flying at 2000' ASL at about 175 knots
in the default C172 ... there is something really goofy.  I turned off
all turbulence and that seemed to help.  I wonder if something got
broke with a recent turbulence modeling change?

Curtis Olson   IVLab / HumanFIRST Program       FlightGear Project
Twin Cities    curt 'at'             curt 'at'

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