Lukasz Szift Hejnak wrote:
Mon, 28 Jul 2003 19:19:32 +0200
Erik Hofman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> napisal:

Lukasz Szift Hejnak wrote:

so just today I downloaded the  FlightGear
all CVS,it stopped at compile..


Try removing all simgear related files from your system and install it
again to see if that solves this problem.

I tried that, and it didn't help, but I took a look into those files (main.cxx and sky.hxx) and found out, what might be the error..

lines: 1767-1771 looked like this
    thesky->build( 550.0, 550.0,
               globals->get_ephem()->getPlanets(), 60000.0,
               globals->get_ephem()->getStars(), 60000.0);

and in the sky.hxx the function took a bit different order of
those arguments:

This directory layout suggest you are using SimGear CVS version. Then you *must* use FlightGear CVS version which contains:

    // The sun and moon diameters are scaled down numbers of the
    // actual diameters. This was needed to fit bot the sun and the
    // moon within the distance to the far clip plane.
    // Moon diameter:    3,476 kilometers
    // Sun diameter: 1,390,000 kilometers
    thesky->build( 80000.0, 80000.0,
                   463.3, 361.8,
                   globals->get_ephem()->getStars() );

line: 237
    void build( double h_radius_m, double v_radius_m,
                double sun_size, double moon_size,
                int nplanets, sgdVec3 *planet_data,
                int nstars, sgdVec3 *star_data );


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