> Hi
> I am trying to use Flightgear as a GUI for an air traffic simulator.
> I use the CVS head and the multiplayer mode  (--multiplay=in,10,,5500)
> a gnu/linux intel box.
> I though the positions were in meters in a geocentric frame.
> When i start in the default position KSFO:28L (-122.358, 37.6117) I
> the following x,y,z [2985, 2063, 4350] from the socket.
> When i send these coordinates back, the plane shows up at the right
> I noticed that sqrt(2985^2 + 2063^2 + 4350^2) = 5664 wich seems far
> earth radius.
> When i do the computation myself, i find (-122.358, 37.6117) ->
> -4272575 3871453]
>    which leads to 6370312 for earth radius and seems closer to
> What am I missing ??? Regards
> Antoine

Sorry for taking a while to get back to you.  I've been away from work
for a week.

If you have a browse through the multiplayer code, you'll notice that we
don't pass X,Y,Z's over the network at all.  We pass a "transformation
matrix" that can be applied to a 3d model, to "move" it to its new
position in the world.

Why?  Speed.  We've gone to all the trouble of calculating our own
transformation matrix from X, Y, Z & orientation.  Sending the X, Y, Z &
orientation out over the network would cause all the other network
clients to have to recalculate the model transformation matrix.

If you'd prefer for X, Y, Z and orientation to be transmitted in the UDP
packets, (which has many advantages - especially when using a central
server), then it would be a simple change in the code.  Have a go - if
you get stuck then I'm happy to help.

Diarmuid Tyson.

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