On Tue, 2003-08-26 at 11:11, Curtis L. Olson wrote:
> Arnt Karlsen writes:
> > On Tue, 26 Aug 2003 10:09:51 -0500, 
> > "Curtis L. Olson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote in message 
> > 
> > ..to put it short:  picture yourself on your single seat bike going 
> > full bore on the freeway just like Wintendo does on on your PC.  
> > (For multi-user os'es, substitute bike for automobile, bus etc, 
> > as you see fit.)
> > 
> > ..now, going full bore, for every Bluescreen Of Death[Tm] you have
> > ever seen on your box, picture having someone instead of the BOD, 
> > toss a bucket of blue paint in your face.  
> > 
> > ..how many of you guys would be alive today?  ;-)
> Is it just the paint, or is it the bucket with the paint inside being
> tossed?  Because that makes a big difference.

Paint followed by the empty bucket?

> But that speaks to the point.  With a 747 people's lives are actually
> at stake.  With microsoft's email software, that is usually not the
> case (although there are plenty of individual instances where people's
> lives depend on software, but that's not what we are talking about
> here.)

Good point, something goes wrong on a commercial airliner very few, if
anyone ever gets out alive...So having more than one company in
competition is a must have. The biggest problem with MSFT, its a
monopoly. Boeing and Airbus actually compete, although I do wish
McDonnell Douglas was still around though.


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