On Wed, 27 Aug 2003 15:49:03 -0500, "Ryan Larson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> 
> Anyone have a static copy of terragear for linux?

I tried building one, but with no luck. Somehow it seems impossible to 
statically link to GL, GLU and GLUT. The configure scripts chokes on it. 
Running just ./configure finds everything that's needed (believe me, it 
took me almost a day to have everything OK to compile TerraGear from cvs; 
all is there). But when I run:

CFLAGS="-static -static-libgcc -L/usr/X11R6/lib" LDFLAGS="-static 
-L/usr/X11R6/lib" ./configure

it stops with:

checking for glNewList in -lGLcore... no
checking for glNewList in -lGL... no
checking for glNewList in -lMesaGL... no
checking for gluLookAt in -lGLU... no
checking for gluLookAt in -lMesaGLU... no
checking for glutGetModifiers in -lglut... no
checking for glutGameModeString in -lglut... no

Unable to find the necessary OpenGL or GLUT libraries.

(It did the same BTW w/o the -L's and w/o -static-libgcc. I only added 
those, just in case)

Normally, I have no problem creating a static binary (for example 
(sometimes) for my GF, who runs a different Linux distro and had limitted 
space), but I can't get  this working. BTW This is on a MDK9.1 Linux 
installation. I got all the sourcecode (TerraGear and mandatory libs) from 
CVS at August 23.

Anyway, no luck in building static binaries for Terragear. Anybody has an 

( I really hope I'm not missing something trivial :-) It's late around 


[hmm, this mail got bounced at first. Finally I changed my e-mail acount 
which is subscribed to this list :-) so it should get through now]

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