Jon Stockill writes:
> On Thu, 28 Aug 2003, Curtis L. Olson wrote:
> > Erik Hofman writes:
> > > It would be nice if somebody could step up (Curtis?) to get this data
> > > into the next scenery build.
> >
> > My brain is full, I was just hoping someone else could coordinate this
> > until one of my nuerons becomes free.
> I'm happy to do the complete scenery build - just let me know what you
> want including, and tell me where to upload it.

Well, I'm working through the process of a world scenery build trying
to identify and fix issues as I go.  Erik thought it would be nice to
slip the new GLOBE 30arcsec terrain data in there, but that was just
more than I had brain capacity for at the moment.  It still is, but if
someone wants to generate and collect the .arr.gz and .fit.gz files
for this data set and put them someplace where I can drop them into my
build tree, then I could probably handle doing that.

If others want to build scenery, that is great, the more testers,
debuggers, data collectors, idea generators, bug fixers, code writers,
etc. the better.  But I don't have time at the moment to offer a lot
of direction.

Best regards,

Curtis Olson   HumanFIRST Program               FlightGear Project
Twin Cities    curt 'at'             curt 'at'

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