Erik Hofman writes:

 > Jim Wilson wrote:
 > > Erik Hofman <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> said:
 > > 
 > > 
 > >>Can someone point me to the most recent document that contains 
 > >>information on how to animate FlightGear models?
 > >>
 > >>Want to add a description of the new blending animation, but although I 
 > >>found it on three different locations, none of them include the scale 
 > >>animation which Curtis added recently.
 > > 
 > > 
 > > In CVS it's docs/Model/fgfs-model-howto.html.
 > Thanks. I've found it.

I wonder if we should call the animation "transparency" instead of
"blending", just in case we do add an animation for texture blending
later (say, to animate ice accumulating on the airframe).

All the best,


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