Jonathan Polley writes:
> After a short break, I decided to try to rebuild FlightGear under CygWin.  While 
> building SimGear, I got the following errors:
> /sw/lib/libplibnet.a(netSocket.o.b)(.eh_frame+0x11): In function 
> `_ZN10netAddressC1EPKci':
> /home/Jonathan Polley/fgdev/plib/src/net/netSocket.cxx:59: undefined reference to 
> `___gxx_personality_v0'
> I deleted everything (plib, SimGear source and all installed headers and libraries) 
> and built from scratch.  I still have 
> the problem.  Any ideas?

hmm.... 'personality' problems are usually a sign of not having compiled with c++ 
but, since this is PLib and we know this can't be the case, my guess is that you 
have upgraded your gcc suite since you last compiled PLib or FGFS and something 
is compiled against an older libtsdc++ 

So I would try recompiling PLib from scratch

make distclean
automake -a

Might need todo this with FGFS too if you haven't already



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