> Am I correct when I say :
> Slat are in front of the wing,

Yes, but they can be on the trailing edge where the terms 'slat' and
'slot' can be used interchangeably.  Generally in the UK they refer to
them as 'leading edge slats'.  Most modern aircraft include the 'slots'
within the flap design (slotted flaps) but some older, weird and
wonderful aircraft had them all over the place so it's worth noting the

> Speedbrakes are on the top of the wing ( the extrados ? ) and can be used flying,

On civilian aircraft and gliders this is usually the case.  Military
types can have them in different places - such as the F16 (on top of the
fuselage?), the Buccaneer (opening tail cone) etc.

> Reverse are small doors on the engine nacelle that open once the plane is landed and
> try to stop before the end of the runway.

On all the planes I have seen, yes.  I believe some of the older ones
would allow you to engage reverse thrust while in flight.  With
potentially disastrous circumstances...

Hope this helps,


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