On 10/12/03 at 6:03 PM David Megginson wrote:

>I've been hacking around with Java Swing classes during free moments
>over the Canadian Thanksgiving weekend, and I have managed to come up
>with a minimally-used FlightGear airport viewer. I'm using JDK 1.4,
>but 1.3 might work as well (if it has the Java2D graphics API
>bundled).  To try it out, follow these steps:


>I'm going to try to make this into a proper editor, but for now, it
>just makes for a cute, minimalist viewer.  I'll package up the source
>code when I have time -- so far, it's not commented or even sorted
>into packages.


However, I'll see your Java airport viewer and raise you a C++ one :-)

 - Windows Binary (statically linked) [266K]

 - Source [34K].  'make' should compile it cleanly on Linux if you apt-get
install wxGTK-devel first.  (I used version 2.4.0).  Can't be any worse
than having to download the Backdown jre ;-))  I was hoping to statically
link it and have a Linux binary as well, but it appears there might be,
urm, 'issues', related to statically linking to GTK. 

Needs runways.dat in working directory.  Use 'LoadRawAirport' menu entry
and enter ICAO code.  F4/F5 zoom in/out, arrows pan.  j/k rotate all
taxiways (not runways).  d/f/r/c translate all taxiways.  w writes out all
taxiways in FG format to ICAO.dat.  Try it on KSQL.

Cheers - Dave

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