Erik Hofman wrote:
> Andy Ross wrote:
> > Anyway, try doing a "remove duplicate vertices" pass on the
> > weird-looking models and see if that fixes the problem.  I'll take
> > a look to see if I can find and reenable the old merging code.
> I am pretty sure I don't have them in the Fokker 50. I do
> optimizations very regularly during design time and it also isn't
> the sharping angle because it also happens in the slightly curved
> wings.

I found the problem.  The modeller (are you using Blender or AC3D?) is
generating meaningless texture coordinates.  A vertex will appear once
with a UV of, say, [1 0] and then again with [0 1], etc...  Plib can
combine duplicated vertices, but it won't do so when they *appear* to
be different due to differing texture coordinates.  So it passes them
on to me.  The original normal calculator understands this,
apparently, but I wasn't expecting to be fed geometrically identical

My original splitter code was written to be used with with my own
blender exporter which required/enforced projected textures (the bump
mapping doesn't work well with hand-tweaked UV coordinates), so I
never noticed this issue.  Or maybe Blender doesn't exhibit this
behavior; dunno.

Really, this is a problem with the modeller and/or export code; the
texture coordinates I'm seeing are nonsensical (the bo105 doesn't even
*have* any textures defined, yet something has generated multiple UV
coordinates for each vertex -- bizarre).  But nonetheless, painting
weird textures on a model shouldn't cause the normals (which are a
geometric property -- they have nothing to do with texturing) to look
funny.  Basically, I need to preprocess the data to distinguish
"geometric" identity from "logical" identity.  It shouldn't be too
hard, gimme a day or so.

Regardless, take a very close look at your texture coordinates and
make that unless you have a really good reason, you have only one,
unique UV tuple per physical vertex.


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