Paul Surgeon writes:

 > Well what do you define as eye candy?  If people don't want eye
 > candy then why do we have ground textures in FlightGear? They are
 > just wasting framerates.

I'm not taking a stand in the eye-candy-vs-simulator debate, but this
particular statement is not true.  Textures (and auto-placed objects
like trees) are critical for simulating VFR flight, since they
give you a reference point for judging altitude, distance, and ground
speed.  The different texture types also help a bit with pilotage,
particularly the water and urban textures.

 > > I just tried this and it does go to VNE.  In my experience (a few
 > > hundred hours PPL, mainly C172 and C152), the C172 is modelled
 > > very accurately.  Did the OP chase the VSI?  It has a
 > > several-second lag, esp when changing attitude quickly (again,
 > > this is modelled accurately), which could account for him not
 > > hitting VNE.
 > I held a 1500 fpm decent for 3 minutes from 6000 ft at full
 > throttle.  It seems that I have an old model although I thought
 > 0.9.3 was a recent build.

How did you start FlightGear?  Were you using the default 172 that
comes up when you start FlightGear with no command-line options?  You
can end up with an old model if you use


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