Gene Buckle writes:

 > After looking through the various instrumentation files, I noticed that
 > there is no weight data associated with the instruments.
 > For those that don't know, each instrument that goes into the panel is
 > labeled with its weight.  This is done to make sure that an accurate dry
 > weight can be calculated.
 > Is there any interest in getting that detailed on the W&B calcs?  When
 > duplicating a real-world instrument, the weights are easily available and
 > a "generic" weight could be assigned to avionics that don't model a
 > specific real world model/brand.

I don't think we need to worry -- anything semi-permanently installed
in the plane (seats, gauges, radios, intercom, etc.) is already
included in the published empty weight and moment (which is ammended
by an AME [Canada] or IA [U.S.] whenever anything is installed or
removed).  In a 172 or Cherokee, even the oil is already included in
the empty weight.

In fact, some things are easily removeable -- most avionics pop out of
their trays so that you can bring them in for repair, take them home,
etc., without any signoff from an AME/IA.  I have also removed and
reinstalled VOR and ADF heads, which are a little trickier, but mostly
because of the limited working space on the floor under the panel (I
needed an AME signoff to reinstall them, but not to take them out).

In theory, pilots should ammend the W&B whenever they take anything
out temporarily or put it back in, but in practice, the weight is so
small and so close to the CG that people don't seem to bother.

All the best,


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