Seamus Thomas Carroll wrote:

Is there a tutorial or can someone give or direct me to a simple example on how to use easyxml? I am trying to work my way through props_io.cxx but it is not an easy introduction.

Do you want to work with properties or raw, low-level XML? Properties provide a higher level of abstraction that hides most of the messy XML details from you. If you do want to work with low-level XML, look at the documentation comments in simgear/xml/easyxml.hxx for details. Essentially, you create a class that extends XMLVisitor, then pass it to the readXML function as an argument, i.e.

  MyVisitor visitor;
  try {
    readXML("foo.xml", visitor);
  } catch (const sg_io_exception &e) {
    // deal with the error

All the best,


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