
today i tested all 45 aircrafts that are available in flightgear
and wrote down all things i noticed that were missing, wrong or not functional 
for each aircraft.

The result is this aircraft TODO list, i suggest adding this file to cvs
in the data/Aircraft directory, so that new entrys or old entrys can easily
be removed in this file when an aircraft gets upgraded.

I also want to mention that i didn't added entrys for the FDM of the aircrafts 
because i don't know how they behave  in reality so if you flew such an 
aircraft and know that the flight behaviour of that aircraft in flightgear is 
wrong then just add an entry to this aircraft todo list or solve the problem
by tweaking the aircraft's xml files.

I hope you can need this TODO list.

Best Regards,
 Oliver C.

Aircraft TODO List:

   747                          Alias for 747-yasim.
   747-yasim                    Boeing 747 (YASim)
        - 3d cockpit buttons are not functional
        - 3d cockpit incomplete, could need some more work
        - baydoors for gears are missing
        - no aircraft lights when lights are turned on
        - engines can't be turned off
        - aircraft has no shadow

   A320                         Alias for A320-jsbsim.
   A320-jsbsim                  Airbus A320-200
        - 3d cockpit incomplete, could need some more work
        - retracting flaps to original position takes unrealisticly long (flap sound 
plays endless)
        - 3d cockpit controls for flaps are missing
        - engine sound missing during flight and on ground
        - no sound when toggling gears
        - no aircraft lights when lights are turned on
        - aircraft has no shadow

   OV10                         Alias for OV10-jsbsim.
   OV10-jsbsim                  North American OV-10A Bronco
        - 3d cockpit missing
        - ruder and aileron positions do not change when steering the controls
        - flap positions do not change when toggling them
        - no aircraft lights when lights are turned on
        - engines can't be turned off
        - when engines are turned to full power airplane is moving uncontrollable to 
the right when on the ground
        - when engines are turned to full power, the right propeller is moving slower 
than the left one
        - gears have no visual feedback when retracted
        - aircraft has no shadow

   T38                          Alias for T38-jsbsim.
   T38-jsbsim                   Northrop T-38
        - 3d cockpit missing
        - no sound when toggling flaps
        - baydoors for the gears are closing before gears are retracted
        - engines sounds seem to play the wrong sound file when flying a hard turn
        - no aircraft lights when lights are turned on
        - engines can't be turned off
        - aircraft has no shadow

   X15                          Alias for X15-jsbsim.
   X15-jsbsim                   North American X-15
        - 3d cockpit missing
        - no aircraft lights when lights are turned on (i am not sure if this airplane 
has lights)
        - engine sound missing during flight and on ground
        - ruder and aileron positions do not change when steering the controls
        - aircraf has no shadow

        - 3d cockpit missing
        - aircraft has no textures
        - no aircraft lights when lights are turned on
        - aircraft has no shadow
        - engines can't be turned off

   a4                           Alias for a4-yasim.
   a4-3d                        Alias for a4-yasim.
   a4-uiuc                      A4D (A-4C) Skyhawk attack aircraft (UIUC aero model)
   a4-yasim                     Douglas A4 Skyhawk (YASim)
        - engines can't be turned off
        - ruder and aileron positions do not change when steering the controls
        - no aircraft lights when lights are turned on
        - 3d cockpit available but standard 3d cockpit for jet airplanes
        - 3d cockpit incomplete, could need some more work
        - aircraft has no shadow

   airwaveXtreme150             Alias for airwaveXtreme150-v1-nl-uiuc.
   airwaveXtreme150-v1-nl-uiuc  Airwave Xtreme 150 hang glider (UIUC)
        - 3d cockpit is missing ( i don't know how you call those rods of a hang 
        - man in the hang glider is not moving around when steering the controls
        - man in the hang glider needs some running animation when starting from the 

        - alias for an225-yasim is missing
        - 3d cockpit incomplete, could need some more work
        - engines can't be turned off
        - no aircraft lights when lights are turned on

   as350                        Alias default as350 for as350-yasim
   as350-yasim                  Ecureuil AS 350 Helicopter
        - 3d cockpit incomplete, could need some more work
        - standard helicopter 3d model (bo105), original one mising
        - aircraft has no shadow
        - pilot is sitting on the wrong side
        - no aircraft lights when lights are turned on

   asw20                        Alias for asw20-v1-nl-uiuc.
   asw20-v1-nl-uiuc             ASW-20 sailplane (UIUC)
        - 3d cockpit is missing
        - gears can't be retracted
        - sailplane seems to have an inbuild engine, but that one is not visible or 
can't be deployed (also no bay doors for eninge)
        - i am not sure if a sailplane has lights
        - ruder and aileron positions do not change when steering the controls
        - flap positions do not change when toggling them
        - aircraft has no shadow

        - alias is missing
        - 3d cockpit is missing
        - aircraft has no shadow
        - no engine sound when running at lowest engine power
        - no aircraft lights when lights are turned on
        - weapons bay door can't be opened

   beech99-v1-uiuc              Beech 99 (UIUC)
        - alias is missing
        - 3d cockpit is missing
        - propeller are not moving/turning when engines are running
        - ruder and aileron positions do not change when steering the controls
        - flap positions do not change when toggling them
        - flaps not functional
        - no aircraft lights when lights are turned on
        - aircraft has no shadow
        - gears can't be retracted

   bell206                      Alias default bell206 for bell206-yasim
   bell206-yasim                Bell 206 JetRanger Helicopter
        - 3d cockpit incomplete, could need some more work
        - standard helicopter 3d model (bo105), original one mising
        - aircraft has no shadow
        - pilot is sitting on the wrong side
        - no aircraft lights when lights are turned on

   bo105                        Alias default bo105 for b105-yasim
   bo105-yasim                  Eurocopter Bo105
        - aircraft has no shadow
        - no aircraft lights when lights are turned on
        - 3d cockpit incomplete, could need some more work

   c172                         Alias for c172p.
   c172-3d                      Alias for c172p-3d.
   c172-3d-yasim                Alias for c172r-3d-yasim
        - aircraft has no shadow
        - when reseting aircraft is flipped
        - ruder controls pedals are not visbile in cockpit

   c172-610x                    Cessna 172 with a full screen, hi-res panel
        - when using this alias, Flightgear aborts loading

   c172-610x-jsbsim             Cessna 172 with a full screen, hi-res panel
   c172-ifr                     Cessna 172 in IFR configuration
   c172-larcsim                 Cessna 172 (LaRCsim, 2D panel).
   c172-yasim                   Alias for c172r-yasim
   c172p                        Alias for c172p-jsbsim.
   c172p-3d                     Alias for c172p-3d-jsbsim.
   c172p-3d-jsbsim              Cessna 172P (JSBSim, 3D cockpit)
   c172p-jsbsim                 Cessna 172P (JSBSim, 2D panel).
   c172r                        Alias for c172r-jsbsim.
   c172r-3d                     Alias for c172r-3d-jsbsim.
   c172r-3d-jsbsim              Cessna 172R (JSBSim, 3D cockpit)
   c172r-3d-yasim               Cessna 172R (YASim, 3D cockpit)
   c172r-jsbsim                 Cessna 172R (JSBSim, 2D panel).
   c172r-yasim                  Cessna 172R (YASim, 2D panel)

   c172x                        Cessna 172 flight dynamics testbed
        - when using this alias, Flightgear aborts loading

   c182                         Alias for c182-jsbsim.
   c182-3d-jsbsim               Cessna 182 (JSBSim, 3D cockpit)
        - in 3d cockpit steering wheel is behind engine controls
        - aircraft has no shadow
   c182-jsbsim                  Cessna 182

   c310                         Alias for c310u3a-jsbsim.
   c310-3d                      Alias for c310u3a-3d-jsbsim.
        - steering wheel is not available
        - ruder control pedals are not visible in cockpit
        - elevator trim control is not available in cockpit
        - aircraft lights are incomplete
        - aircraft has no shadow

   c310-ifr                     Cessna 310 with IFR panel
   c310-yasim                   Cessna 310 (YASim)
   c310dpm-3d                   Cessna 310 (civilian) with 3D cockpit
   c310u3a                      Cessna 310U3A
   c310u3a-3d                   Alias for c310u3a-3d-jsbsim.
   c310u3a-3d-jsbsim            Cessna 310U3A w. 3D cockpit
   c310u3a-jsbsim               Cessna 310U3A
   c310u3a-yasim                Cessna 310 (YASim)

   ch47                         Alias default ch47 for ch47-yasim
   ch47-yasim                   CH-47 Chinook Helicopter
        - 3d cockpit incomplete, could need some more work
        - standard helicopter 3d model (bo105), original one mising
        - aircraft has no shadow
        - pilot is sitting on the wrong side
        - no aircraft lights when lights are turned on
        - turning engines to full power moves the helicopter's tail backwords to the 
ground, helicopters crashs then.
        - tail rotor is not moving

   cub                          Alias for j3cub.
        - is that alias necessary? There's allready an alias for j3cub

   dc3                          Alias for dc3-yasim.
   dc3-yasim                    Douglas DC-3 (YASim)
        - 3d cockpit incomplete, could need some more work
        - steering wheel is not available
        - ruder control pedals are not visible in cockpit
        - elevator trim control is not available in cockpit
        - is the engine power control in the cockpit moving into the right direction 
when switching engines to full power?
        - aircraft has no shadow
        - when engines are turned to full power, the right propeller is moving slower 
than the left one
        - baydoors for gears are missing
        - cockpit is visible when looking at the aircraft from the outside and from 
        - engine magnitude controls are not functional in cockpit
        - engines can't be turned off

   f104                         Alias for f104-jsbsim.
   f104-jsbsim                  Lockheed F-104 Starfighter
        - flaps are not working
        - 3d cockpit incomplete, could need some more work
        - aircraft has no shadow
        - no aircraft lights when lights are turned on
        - baydoors for gears are missing
        - engine sound missing during flight and on ground

   f15                          Alias for f15-jsbsim.
   f15-jsbsim                   McDonell Douglas F-15 Eagle
        - 3d cockpit is missing
        - 3d aircraft model is missing

   f16                          Alias for f16-jsbsim.
   f16-jsbsim                   General Dynamics F-16
        - 3d cockpit is missing
        - no visual feedback when retracting or lowering the gears
        - aircraft has no shadow
        - no aircraft lights when lights are turned on
        - flaps are not working
        - ruder and aileron positions do not change when steering the controls
        - engine sound missing

        - alias is missing
        - 3d cockpit is missing
        - 3d aircraft model is missing

   fokker100-jsbsim             Fokker 100
        - alias is missing
        - 3d cockpit is missing
        - there's no sound when the postition of the flaps is changed
        - engine sound is missing
        - baydoors for gears are missing
        - no aircraft lights when lights are turned on
        - aircraft has no shadow

   fokker50-jsbsim              Fokker 50
        - alias is missing
        - 3d cockpit is missing
        - there's no sound when the postition of the flaps is changed
        - engine sound is missing
        - baydoors for gears are missing
        - no aircraft lights when lights are turned on
        - engine can't turned off
        - aircraft has no shadow

   harrier                      Alias for harrier-yasim.
   harrier-yasim                British Aerospace Harrier (YASim)
        - 3d cockpit is missing
        - 3d aircraft model is missing
        - how can i detract the jet stream to lift off vertically?

   j22                          Soko J-22 Orao / IAR-93
        - 3d cockpit is incomplete, could need some more work
        - aircraft has no shadow
        - can't turn off engines
        - no aircraft lights when lights are turned on

   j3cub                        Alias for j3cub-3d-yasim.
   j3cub-3d                     Alias for j3cub-3d-yasim.
   j3cub-3d-yasim               Piper Cub J3 Trainer (YASim)
   j3cub-yasim                  Alias for j3cub-3d-yasim.
        - when engines are turned off it is extremly difficult to turn them on again.
        - does this airplane has flaps?
        - 3d cockpit incomplete, could need some more work
        - no ruder pedals in cockpit
        - does this aircraft has lights?
        - aircraft has no shadow

   marchetti                    Alias for marchetti-v1-uiuc.
   marchetti-v1-uiuc            Siai Marchetti S.211 (UIUC)
        - i that a drone aircraft? -> (3d cockpit is missing)
        - aircraft has no shadow

        - alias is missing
        - 3d cockpit is missing
        - aircraft has no shadow

   p51d                         Alias default p51d currently p51d-yasim
   p51d-yasim                   P-51D
        - 3d cockpit buttons, switches etc. are not functional
        - aircraft is moving to much to the right when on ground, wheels need more 
        - aircraf has no shadow
        - bay door 3d model could need some tweaks

   pa28-161                     Alias for pa28-161-yasim.
   pa28-161-yasim               Piper Warrior II, 160HP (YASim, 2D panel)
        - 3d cockpit incomplete, could need some more work
        - steering wheel is not available
        - ruder control pedals are not visible in cockpit
        - elevator trim control is not available in cockpit
        - aircraft has no textures
        - cockpit is visible when looking at the aircraft from the outside and from 

   paraglider                   Alias for paraglider-jsbsim.
   paraglider-jsbsim            paraglider
        - man in the paraglider is not moving his arms when steering the controls, 
paraglider is also not changing its shape
        - man in the paraglider needs some running animation when starting from the 
        - sound file seems to be wrong, thats not a jet
        - when moving completly to the right, man  turns upside down in this position 
paraglider is unstable

        - alias is missing
        - 3d cockpit is missing
        - can't turn engines off
        - aircraft has no shadow
        - no aircraft lights when lights are turned on

        - an option to fly a group of airplanes should IMO be solved in a different 

   sgs126-jsbsim                Schweizer 1-26
        - alias missing
        - 3d cockpit missing
        - sound file seems to be wrong, thats not a jet
        - 3d aircraft model is missing

   shuttle                      Alias for shuttle-jsbsim.
   shuttle-jsbsim               Space Shuttle
        - 3d cockpit is missing
        - 3d aircraft model is missing

   sopwithCamel                 Alias for sopwithCamel-v1-nl-uiuc
        - 3d cockpit is missing
        - propeller is not moving/turning when engine is running at low power
        - aileron's position do not change when steering the controls
        - no visual feedback when retracting or lowering the flaps
        - aircraft has no shadow

   t6texan2                     Alias for t6texan2-jsbsim.
   t6texan2-jsbsim              T-6A Texan II
        - 3d cockpit is missing
        - wrong sound file, this is not a jet it is a propeller driven aircraft
        - no visual feedback when retracting or lowering the gears
        - no visual feedback when retracting or lowering the flaps
        - aileron and ruder position do not change when steering the controls
        - engines sounds seem to play the wrong sound file when flying a hard turn
        - propeller is not movint/turning when engines are running
        - engine can't be turned off
        - aircraft has no shadow
        - no aircraft lights when lights are turned on

   tsr2                         Alias for tsr2-yasim.
        - 3d cockpit incomplete, could need some more work
        - ailerons move in wrong direction when moving right or left
        - there seems to be 2 cockpits when toggling the view point position, one of 
them is unusable (window is not transparent)
        - no aircraft lights when lights are turned on

   ufo                          Expirimental UFO model
        - couldn't be tested because Santa Claus was in the way.
        - Santa Claus should have his own name. (btw. the sound for Santa Claus is 
terrible and annoying)

   wrightFlyer1903              Alias for wrightFlyer1903-v1-nl-uiuc
   wrightFlyer1903-3d           Alias for wrightFlyer1903-v1-nl-uiuc
   wrightFlyer1903-v1-nl-uiuc   1903 Wright Flyer (UIUC)
        - propeller is not moving/turning when engine is running at low power
        - engines can't be turned off
        - aircraft has no shadow

   x24                          Alias for x24b.
   x24b                         Alias for x24b-jsbsim.
   x24b-jsbsim                  USAF/NACA X-24B reentry testbed
        - 3d cockpit is missing
        - 3d aircraft model is missing
        - engine sound is missing

   yf23-yasim                   Northrop/McDonnell Douglas YF-23 ATF prototype
        - alias is missing
        - 3d cockpit is incomplete, could need some more work
        - engines can't be turned off
        - no aircraft lights when lights are turned on

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