On Wednesday 04 February 2004 21:52, Roy Vegard Ovesen wrote:
> On Wed, 4 Feb 2004 00:48:00 +0000, Lee Elliott
> <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> >   <!-- Altitude hold.  2 stage cascade controller. -->
> >
> >   <!-- Stage #1 sets target rate of climb based on diff between current
> > alt
> > -->
> >   <!-- and target altitude. -->
> >   <pid-controller>
> >     <name>Altitude Hold (Altimeter based) Stage 1</name>
> >     <debug>false</debug>
> >     <enable>
> >       <prop>/autopilot/locks/altitude</prop>
> >       <value>altitude-hold</value>
> >     </enable>
> >     <input>
> >       <prop>/instrumentation/altimeter/indicated-altitude-ft</prop>
> >     </input>
> >     <reference>
> >       <prop>/autopilot/settings/target-altitude-ft</prop>
> >     </reference>
> >     <output>
> >       <prop>/autopilot/internal/target-climb-rate-fps</prop>
> >     </output>
> >     <config>
> >       <Kp>0.1</Kp>        <!-- proportional gain -->
> >       <beta>1.0</beta>    <!-- input value weighing factor -->
> >       <alpha>0.1</alpha>  <!-- low pass filter weighing factor -->
> >       <gamma>0.0</gamma>  <!-- input value weighing factor for -->
> >                           <!-- unfiltered derivative error -->
> >       <Ti>20.0</Ti>     <!-- integrator time -->
> >       <Td>0.00001</Td>    <!-- derivator time -->
> >       <u_min>-40.0</u_min> <!-- minimum output clamp -->
> >       <u_max>40.0</u_max> <!-- maximum output clamp -->
> >     </config>
> >   </pid-controller>
> >
> > Obviously, I've upped the u_min & u_max here too.
> >
> > Heh! - I'll get the docs tomorrow...
> Some notes on tuning cascade controllers:
> When tuning cascade controllers it is common practice to first tune the
> inner loop or the secondary controller in Lee's example that would be the
> vertical speed controller, and then tune the outer loop or the primary
> controller.

That's interesting - I concentrated on getting good values in the output from 
the first stage before I considered looking at the second, which I don't 
think I touched in the end.  I figured I'd need reasonable data going into 
the second stage if I were to make any sense of what it did.


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