On Thu, 12 Feb 2004 15:09:15 -0500
 David Megginson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

So, given that the aerodynamic centre of an aircraft can shift based on loading and flight conditions, how can we report that from the FDM back to the 3D model code? Is this something people worked out in a previous thread? I'm assuming that the 3D model and the FDM config file are using the same reference datum for coordinates.

First, the aircraft - like any body - rotates about its CG (according to the EOM) - not usually the same as the AC.

JSBSim made a change recently that is likely not yet in FlightGear CVS. The lat/lon/alt position now reported by JSBSim (CVS) is the position of the VRP (Visual Reference Point) - i.e. the tip of the prop hub (or similar nose tip location on non-prop aircraft). As long as the aircraft is placed in the scene so that the nose of the 3D model falls at the location reported by JSBSim - everything works out. This assumes that the aircraft model is defined using the correct English units - because all points that the FDM is concerned with are measured in the structural frame and in inches.

Yes, we have gone over this ad nauseum in the past. :-)


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