Martin Spott wrote:

This aircraft gets really nice.

Thanks. The big breakthrough was my finally learning to use Blender to make the textures (such as the panel plastics and screws) as well as the geometry -- using a good 3D modeller with a bit of lighting can make even a ham-fisted dolt like me look like an artist.

Thanks to Andy, too, for his work on YASim. There are still some borderline problems (such as propwash in a power climb), but on balance YASim allows this model to fly remarkably like a real Piper Warrior II.

Did you know that you employ the default outside texture (the one with
orange stripes) at really funny places ? For an example look at the inner
side of the co-pilot's door, look at the front of the cowling  :-)

Yes: I haven't set the UV explicitly for all the faces yet, so there are some weird default texture patterns in places -- I'm working through the plane a little bit at a time so that the task isn't too daunting, but I've already switched to it as my default aircraft (rather than the 172p). Some day, the whole interior will look passably nice, but for now, I'm concentrating on the parts you see looking straight-forward while flying.

My next big hurdle is figuring out how to model radios in 3D. I'll make a separate posting on that.

All the best,


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