As far as I can tell, there is no SimGear-devel list, so I'm asking this here.

I'm probably going to toy with EasyXML for a C++ side project I'm working on - and if that goes well, perhaps think about using it with JSBSim as well. I am guessing that I ought to be able to grab the EasyXML files from my flightgear installation and place them in my other application development directory, then compile and link them similarly to the way flightgear does it. To actually make any sensible use of it in my application, if I have read the docs correctly, I think I need to derive a class from XMLVisitor and override the handlers.

I don't want to burden anyone with any handholding request, but any pointers on where the best documentation is (I am currently reviewing the docs at, which files -- other than the EasyXML files themselves -- in the FlightGear tree should I peruse, and any other guidance on using EasyXML would be greatly appreciated and also increase my chance at success given my extremely limited time.


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