"Curtis L. Olson" said:

> What is the status of the helicopters?  They've seemed very crude when 
> I've looked at them.  I don't mean to be anti-helicopter, but if we are 
> trying to cull some of the less nice stuff out of the official release, 
> I'm not sure in their current form they would make the cut.
>    OV10-jsbsim                  North American OV-10A Bronco
>    T37-jsbsim                   Cessna T-37
>    T38-jsbsim                   Northrop T-38
>    airwaveXtreme150-v1-nl-uiuc  Airwave Xtreme 150 hang glider (UIUC)
>    as350-yasim                  Ecureuil AS 350 Helicopter
>    asw20-v1-nl-uiuc             ASW-20 sailplane (UIUC)
>    beech99-v1-uiuc              Beech 99 (UIUC)
>    bell206-yasim                Bell 206 JetRanger Helicopter
>    bo105-yasim                  Eurocopter Bo105
>    ch47-yasim                   CH-47 Chinook Helicopter
>    f104-jsbsim                  Lockheed F-104 Starfighter
>    f15-jsbsim                   McDonell Douglas F-15 Eagle
>    fkdr1-v1-nl-uiuc            
>    fokker100-jsbsim             Fokker 100
>    fokker50-jsbsim              Fokker 50
>    harrier-yasim                British Aerospace Harrier (YASim)
>    marchetti-v1-uiuc            Siai Marchetti S.211 (UIUC)
>    paraglider-jsbsim            paraglider
>    sgs233-jsbsim                Schweizer 2-33
>    shuttle-jsbsim               Space Shuttle
>    sopwithCamel-v1-nl-uiuc     
>    t6texan2-jsbsim              T-6A Texan II
>    x24b-jsbsim                  USAF/NACA X-24B reentry testbed
> Am I being too generous here?  Should we draw the line a little 
> tighter?  Am I being too strict?  Am I way off on my evaluation of what 
> should go in or out?
> As time permits I plan to start doing some preliminary release work, 
> going through my check lists, making sure version numbers and 
> refererences are up to date, gleaning through the commit logs to come up 
> with a list of changes, etc. etc.

Hi Curt,

I haven't read through the thread yet.  At first look your choices sound fine.
Maybe we should include just the bo105 as a good start on helicopter support
and there is a modle for it.

You asked about the A4 specifically.  It is pretty much functional as is. 
It'd be nice to put a full 3D cockpit in there,  but it is my intent to finish
the 747 first, do some cleaning up and put 3D instruments in the c310, add a
couple more things to the p51, and do the ornithopter cockpit as promised a
while back.  In other words, the A4 is pretty low on my list right now.

Here are some suggestions before release:  
We should get the autopilot functioning at least to the extent it used to be.
 There are a few known lingering bugs like the tile manager issue that would
be nice to clean up.

Also I'm close to completing some major changes to the 747 model that would be
nice to get included,  but that's not a real big deal.  For the other items,
especially the autopilots it'd be nice to have a couple weeks before release.
 If not, then a cutoff date would be nice so we can prioritize.



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