Martin Spott wrote:
> An outsider's view: Wouldn't it make sense to roll all these nifty
> hacks into PLIB so everyone can make use of them or is PLIB too
> restricted to make this a realistic vision ?

This is more of a design theory issue, but in general "nifty hacks"
like this are *not* something that belong in utility libraries.  The
whole point of having Plib/PW (or SDL, or anything else) is that they
isolate the user from the complexity of the underlying platforms.
That simplicity gets broken when you have to worry about all the brain
damage that other people have introduced to the library over its
lifespan.  To some extent, SDL has this disease (it wants to #define
main(), for goodness sake!); the library is much larger and less
orthogonal than it could be.

In isolation, a single project can make the decision as to whether an
odd or non-portable hack is worthwhile or not.  But we don't want to
be subjected to everyone else's tricks, and quite frankly other plib
users aren't likely to be interested in our tweaks either.

Gene Buckle wrote:
> From what I've hread about this kind of think in the past, patches
> submitted to PLib from FlightGear have been totally ignored.

Well, they went through a quiet period for a while.  But things have
improved markedly over the past few months.  The real problem wasn't
really that they were ignoring patches, it was that "significant"
changes (the vertex splitting stuff that I did, for example) required
code review and integration work from the core team, and no one had
time to do that.


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