On Mon, 5 Apr 2004 23:04:16 -0000
 "Jim Wilson" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Jon S Berndt said:


Was it "bad data"?

I think, that maybe this could be resolved by doing as Andy described earlier.
In other words know where the gear is and get it above the pavement (ground
elevation) before the simulation starts. Then and only then drop the sucker,
start the simulation, and let it settle. Sorry for the simplistic explanation

Actually, I suggested this early today (two emails, ~9 a.m. and prior).

and my apologies for suggesting that JSBSim could do something about bad data instead of just crashing random aircraft. As it is now we need
to test every single JSBSim aircraft every time a modification is made to flightgear because the trim routine is lacks robustness.

I was discussing this offline, too. "GIGO" applies, but we should be more robust in handling the problem - at least giving a good error message.


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