On Sat, 10 Apr 2004 18:20:45 +0200, Jorge wrote in message 

> On Fri, 9 Apr 2004 13:45:16 +0200
> Arnt Karlsen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > ...which forces the obligation on your part to provide the source to
> > whomever you provides your modification to.  And, doing contract 
> > work for them on their HW, you probably have complied to the GPL 
> > here.  ;-)
> The modifications of the code I've done at home are mine, and I wanted
> them to be licensed under the GPL. No problem here.
> > ..they hired you to do contract work or some such?  No need for a 
> > long "flame war", the laws may well be differeing between our 
> > countries on how copyright laws applies to this and the GPL.
> Err... actually, I'm part of the organization. 

..ah, that could mean the organization owns your code.  Should be part
of the agreements, contracts, laws etc ruling your organization and your
membership there.

> And copyright laws in France are probably not out of the ordinary.

..define "ordinary" etc.  ;-)  Or, better, don't.  ;-)
> However, on a side note, there has been an article recently in "Linux
> Magazine" (published in France) by someone studying law who wrote that
> the GPL might be considered illegal in France, because you can't
> transfer all distribution rights for an unlimited period of time (it's
> like a contract and has to end sometime, this was done to protect
> other intellectual works, art and the such). I hope the FSF (and
> French LUGs) will find some way to rewrite the GPL for France / Europe
> and other countries, because the solution is probably to have a
> different GPL license if the law is different, it would be less
> elegant yet maybe safer.

..correct, this addendum was set up to fix that problem: 

..med vennlig hilsen = with Kind Regards from Arnt... ;-)
...with a number of polar bear hunters in his ancestry...
  Scenarios always come in sets of three: 
  best case, worst case, and just in case.

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