Andy Ross wrote
> Vivian Meazza wrote:
> > How do we set the reduction gearing ratio?
> Set the "gear-ratio" attribute of the propeller tag.  This is the
> reduction ratio, so typical values will be less than 1.0.
> > Can we do a constant speed propeller?
> The min-rpm and max-rpm attributes define the range of the blue lever.
> These are the speeds to which the propeller will seek; it may not be 
> able to achieve them in practice.  The documentation for these was, 
> er, wrong.  I'll fix that.
> > And can we set the handedness of the propeller to RH?
> Sure thing.  Use a negative moment value. :) No joke: that will have
> exactly the effect of a counter-rotating engine. The DC-3 uses this 
> trick for the starboard engine, for example.  I'll add some 
> documentation for that as well.
> Andy

I have almost finished the Spitfire model. Texturing, animation and a 3d
cockpit remain to do. However, I am having some difficulty with the engine
reduction gear ratio. I've used using the following numbers which give a
reasonable solution in YASim.

<propeller   x="-1.10" y="0" z="0"
           radius="1.638" moment="37.15" 
           eng-power="1140" eng-rpm="2850"
           turbo-mul="4.0" wastegate-mp="18.32"
           cruise-alt="17500" cruise-power="1100"
           cruise-speed="308" cruise-rpm="2850"
             takeoff-power="1100" takeoff-rpm="2850"
  <actionpt x="-0.75" y="0" z="0"/>  
  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/propeller-pitch" 
         control="PROPPITCH" src0="0" src1="1" dst0="0.1" dst1="0.6"/>

The model flies reasonably well, with the following output data when
throttle = 1:           
        max-hp = 1140.491452
        mp-osi = 26.050 - does the "wastegate" work? - is this psi?
        power-pct = 105.863353
      prop-thrust = 1314.603118
        rpm = 3014.603118

I've kept to manual pitch control for now.

I've tried this, although I would think, incorrectly:
<propeller   x="-1.10" y="0" z="0"
           radius="1.638" moment="37.15" 
           eng-power="1140" eng-rpm="2850"
           turbo-mul="4.0" wastegate-mp="18.32"
           cruise-alt="17500" cruise-power="1100"
           cruise-speed="308" cruise-rpm="2850"
             takeoff-power="1100" takeoff-rpm="2850"
             gear-ratio = "0.477">
  <actionpt x="-0.75" y="0" z="0"/>  
  <control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/propeller-pitch"
                 src0="0" src1="1" dst0="0.1" dst1="0.6"/>

The model still flies reasonably well, with the following output data when
throttle = 1:           
        max-hp = 1140.491452
        mp-osi = 29.729 - does the "wastegate" work? - is this psi?
        power-pct = 222.856
      prop-thrust = 1375.645173
        rpm = 6176.318088 - this is wrong

Finally, I tried this:

<propeller   x="-1.10" y="0" z="0"
           radius="1.638" moment="37.15" 
           eng-power="1140" eng-rpm="2850"
           turbo-mul="4.0" wastegate-mp="18.32"
           cruise-alt="17500" cruise-power="1100"
           cruise-speed="308" cruise-rpm="1360"
             takeoff-power="1100" takeoff-rpm="2850"
           gear-ratio = "0.477">
<control-input axis="/controls/engines/engine[0]/propeller-pitch"
           src0="0" src1="1" dst0="0.1" dst1="0.6"/>

The model does not fly, failing to accelerate (insufficient prop thrust),
with the following output data when throttle = 1:               
        max-hp = 1140.491452
        mp-osi = 29.729 
        power-pct = 225.856 - wrong
      prop-thrust = 659.082929 - wrong
        rpm = 6232.318088 - even more wrong

I've tried increasing pitch, to no avail. I've tried <takeoff-power="1100"
takeoff-rpm="1360" - then YASim crashes

What is the obvious mistake that I am making?


Vivian Meazza

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