Since updating from cvs several hours ago I started getting repeated seg 
faults after running fgfs for a while.

The seg faults seemed to be happening after roughly the same amount of time 
and didn't seem to be dependent on where I was or what sort of flight plan I 
was following, so I timed a few and sure enough, it seemed to be occurring 
after about 13 minutes.

Funnily enough, I was playing with the radar instrument and noticed that the 
seg faults seemed to occur when the aircraft[1] target was about to reach 
30.0 on the radar.

I commented out the demo_scenario in preferences.xml and the seg faults 
stopped, but I haven't been able to investigate any further.  The seg faults 
also occurred with an aircraft that didn't use the radar instrument, so I 
don't think that's the problem.


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